Physique 57 India

Benefits Of Barre

At Physique 57, we believe that every body has a story and a journey, one that should be epic! Give yourself 57 minutes can change the course of your day and your life. By unleashing the full potential of our bodies, we unleash the potential of our lives. So why wait around for life to happen, make it happen!

A Physique 57 workout raises the barre and provides your body with all the goodness it needs for a fit and healthy everyday. Our moves look good on you! You’ll love seeing the changes in your body — and we mean every part of your body. From head to toe and every muscle group in between our method will strengthen and tone your muscles like nothing you’ve tried before.

Whether you’re new to the world of fitness, dreaming of loosing weight or want to tone up your body, each of our classes is structured to maximize every minute and move with our signature scientifically tested choreography and expert instructors. From mood-enhancing music to challenging moves and variations, our workouts never ever end in plateaus. It doesn’t get easier — you just get better!

Here’s why you should get yourself to the barre:

Targets Every Muscle Group

From your arms to your legs, your back and glutes – it targets every muscle group in your body! An all-round complete workout, that’s also a lot of fun.

The Best Core Workout

Let’s not forget the all important core muscles. Yes, this barre workout targets your abs with a combination of ballet and pilates moves.

Increases Your Flexibility

Barre exercises include a lot of stretching, just like a ballerina’s poses. But this doesn’t mean you need to be a prima-donna on your first try or even after years of practice. Give it a few weeks and you’ll notice how flexible you become.

Improves Your Posture

The focus on stretching and strengthening the core, shoulders and chest helps improve your posture, which is especially crucial if you have an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.

Low Impact

Since a barre class has nothing to do with jumping, bouncing or any other intense workout, it is easy on the joints and has a low injury risk.