Today’s article is written by our neighbours at our New York studio, purveyors of yogurt extraordinaire, Chobani. In this post they will talk about the importance of fuelling pre and post workout and offer their top 8 food choices to fuel up.
Since Chobani’s sponsorship of the U.S. Olympic Team, we’ve been fascinated by how the elite train, condition, and prepare for competition. And, we quickly realized that fuelling and re-fuelling is essential for athletes of all levels! That’s when we called in one of our registered dietitian friends, Leslie J. Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN, to help filter through the clutter of nutritional information that’s out there in the wild. As the Director of Sports Medicine Nutrition for the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and the Center for Sports Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, we knew she’d help set us straight on which foods we should be eating to maximize our athletic performance.
When our goal is to have strength and stamina to get through a hard workout, we have to do more than just show up at practice or the gym. We need to make sure our muscles have what it takes, and that means fuelling them with the right way. And she’s not just talking about what we do right before a workout, but also what we eat in the hours after our workout. Leslie believes that our bodies are always in a state of pre-fuelling or re-fuelling so to be our best, it’s important to make the right food choices.
Take a look, find your foods of choice, and get goin’!
For recipes that include some of these “Refuelling Foods,” check out our book, The Physique 57 Solution here.
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